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A Fatherless Curiosity by Vincent Alan Rhodes

  • About the Book

    Becoming a father is easy, but choosing to be the father a child needs is incredibly difficult. Some are blessed with proper role models, but the reality is many grow up without a father to guide them on the road of life.


    A Fatherless Curiosity, stirring and empowering, is unique for two reasons:

    the vision and curiosity of a female provoked the conversation and created this anthology, and

    a group of men agreed to pull back the facade and reveal the heartwarming and gut-wrenching truths they have lived


    Twenty-one men from all walks of life courageously share their truths to these questions:


    *What does it feel like to have a father?

    *How does it feel to be a father?

    *How are you doing as a father?


    It begins with unmasking the truth of fatherhood and its expectations (spoken and unspoken). It will leave you reflecting on the long-term effects of your childhood with or without your father and its impact on your life’s journey.


    A Fatherless Curiosity will leave you with guidance, encouragement, and hope for stronger families, beautiful lives, and prosperous, healthy communities.

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